Monday, June 19, 2006

How much the "plague of parochialism" has caught us

It's only when something insists you to speak up, you eventually start to do it. Ditto with my
blogs too.. as anybody would make out from it, my earlier blogs had something to do with the
turning points in my career. But now it's a mail from some blogger-cum-journalist in mumbai
that's breaking the first hiatus.
It was a pro-reservation article that was forwarded to me by this person. It's always welcoming
to see any vewpoint as long as it sticks to the facts. But I guess this is far from being one , and that explains why I put up a proper reply to him seeking to stop sending mails to me anymore.

Well, now he's done what i've asked for, but with a reply.

Dear Nandkumar

try being a bit positive in life. i dread to learn that ppl of negative mentality are getting
higher education. ur a PG in IIT and unable to accept an opposing view, such short horizons.
anyways, its ur call and ur life. i can use ur own words agst u, khair.... i wont react to
anymore emails from you and have also deleted ur from my contacts as per ur own wish.

last but not the least, try understanding Gandhi
God Bless You

Little matters whether he replies to this or not, but here is my reply, final for now..

Dear IM
This idea of opposing, precisely accounts for why the younger generations are getting carried away by people like you. One's "horizons" shouldn't be gauged by how one oppose to something, rather how much he/she could see to the facts underlying it. You are not following your senses, but merely the trends of the society. I too 'dread to learn' that these kind of people are in the field of journalism, which is far deadlier than what you perceived of me getting in to the higher education, simply because you have the power to change the way people think.

Higlighting it once again, courage lies in opposing people who twist the facts and mislead us and in turn build up a veil of secrecy among themselves. It's too sad that a journalist, who ought be the citizen's crusader at all times, is getting influenced by the prevailing winds in the
society, and consequently just go on with some blind bashing, and still worse, end up patronizing mediocrity.(I didn't have the profound thinking levels so as to "understand " Gandhi, but then I guess mediocrity is certainly not what he intended)
I'm so happy that I can, from now onwards, do away with your mails, thank you.


PS: No reply intended. Just to make you aware of the respect you commands and how much you are abusing it.

Offenses welcome, but be sensible before you post.

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